

Self-Leadership is the first level of leadership and applies to any person, whether or not they hold a management or supervisory position. It is the ability of someone to guide themselves to positive places that they have never been before.

It enables an individual to fulfill their potential while building a strong foundation from which to make daily decisions, both for themselves and their business.

Without a strong sense of self-leadership, people can feel out of control, overwhelmed and un- focused. 

Here a few principles to consider about self leadership in order to attain success:


Purpose is at the base of your personal foundation and defines your reason for living. Without a well-defined purpose, you are at the mercy of others who will try to define your purpose for you. So the self-leadership journey begins by asking the vital question: Why do I exist? 

This can be a rather intimidating question but it must be asked and answered if you are to begin the process of leading yourself.


We all have God-given gifts, talents, and abilities for our use. The critical question is: “Are you using your gifts?”

The only way that a person can realize their fullest self-leadership potential is to use their gifts every day. This takes a disciplined approach. 

Are you aware of your giftings?

Are you using them every day? 

Your gifts are meant to be shared with others. Without discipline, the gifts that you have will not reach their maximum potential. Have you ever noticed that those people who have passion seem to be using their gifts to the fullest levels? The primary reason is that they have taken the word PASSION and fully recognizing that it means PASS-I-ON i.e passing some of I on to others. Self leaders develop their gifts with discipline.


Self leaders understand the power that is generated from serving others. Our gifts are meant to be used in making other people become a better version of themselves. This is called Servant Leadership.

The concept of servant leadership is thousands of years old. Yet, the essence of it lies in the question, “Do those whom you serve grow as persons?” 

This can apply to those we serve on the job as well as our family members, colleauges, friends, neighbors etc.


Listening is the one activity you do more in life than any other activity except to breathe. How much time and energy do you exert in developing the communication skill that has been with you since birth?

Self-leaders capitalize on the power of listening. They listen for what people say, what they don’t say, and what they would like to say but don’t know how to put into words. 

When is the last time that you were either involved in or observed a situation in which there was a cost due to a listening breakdown? 


Holding back how we really feel when communicating with others does more damage to ourselves, as well as to the relationships we have with others. 

It takes courage and practice to “level” with others in a non-aggressive and non-judgmental manner. Self-Leaders have developed the ability to give unconditionally and constructive feedback. This is an integrity based style of living. 

Could the results you have been desiring to have in your busines, family or personal life be hinged on your ability to start acting intentionally by yourself first?

Lead yourself first, and others will follow you to the ends of the Earth.

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